
Is it possible to install a sump pump without a sump pit?

Top Answer: It varies (36% of 11 votes).
Is it possible to install a sump pump without a sump pit?
Yes, a floor sucker pump does not require a sump pit
No, it is not possible
It varies
Not sure

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Updated on August 04, 2014


Comments From Our Pros

Answer: Yes, a floor sucker pump does not require a sump pit
Explanation: Yes, it is possible to install a sump pump without a sump pit. Floor sucker pumps, also known as floor-mounted pumps, can be installed directly on the basement floor to pump out water without the need for a sump pit. These pumps are designed to be placed directly in areas where water tends to accumulate, such as low spots or areas prone to flooding. They can effectively remove water from the basement floor and prevent flooding without the need for a traditional sump pit setup. Therefore, floor sucker pumps offer a viable solution for homes or areas where installing a sump pit may not be feasible or practical.
Construction Services & Repairs
Answer: No, it is not possible
Explanation: The pump needs an area to collect water and keep dirt and debri out. It is highly reccomended to have a pit of some sort to allow water to collect to a certian level before it is discharged.
SDL Plumbing Inc.
Answer: No, it is not possible
Explanation: You can install one in your floor but it won't be efficient and not recommended.
Airtight Design Waterproofing
Answer: No, it is not possible
Explanation: Because without the pump pit you would just suck in mud and rock.
All City Construction