How Much Do Handyman Leads Cost?

Most handyman job leads cost between $10 and $30 per lead. However, there may be some exceptions based on the type of work requested and the quality of the lead.

Updated: 10/09/2018

Are Handyman Leads Worth the Cost?

Handyman leads are usually pretty affordable. Many of them will cost less than $25 a piece. Lead prices will vary based on the type of work the customer needs. For example, a flooring repair lead will be priced differently than a TV mounting lead.

Handyman leads may cost more in New York City than they do in Boise, ID. Lead prices are determined by the estimated value of the lead. Labor rates are typically higher in major metropolitan areas - making these jobs more expensive. That's why you can expect to pay a little bit extra per lead.

If you think these lead prices are a little out of your budget, maybe ProMatcher can help. Every lead generation company has a different pricing model and you should talk to a few of them before making a decision. We can put you in touch with the right people. Join ProMatcher and we will introduce you to some programs that you may be interested in helping you grow your handyman business.

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