
What type of sump pump is most accessible for repairs?

Top Answer: Pedestal sump pump (46% of 30 votes).
What type of sump pump is most accessible for repairs?
Pedestal sump pump
Submersible sump pump
It makes no difference
Not sure

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Updated on August 21, 2015


Comments From Our Pros

Answer: It makes no difference
Explanation: It matters none to me.
SDL Plumbing Inc.
Answer: Pedestal sump pump
Explanation: Pedestal is not submerged, it rests above ground
Massimo Plumbing Services
Answer: Pedestal sump pump
Explanation: This pump sits outside of the pit typically allowing motor and other major parts easily accessible for repairs.
Plumbing Professionals
Answer: Pedestal sump pump
Explanation: These pumps are above ground and are typically more easy to access and diagnose.
Company name here
Answer: It makes no difference
Explanation: It depends on the submersible - if in a crock then there should be no difference
La Rose Home Repair
Answer: Pedestal sump pump
Explanation: They are above so easy to get to
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