
What horsepower sump pump is most commonly installed?

Top Answer: It depends upon the amount of water the pump is expected to receive (40% of 20 votes).
What horsepower sump pump is most commonly installed?
1/6 horsepower
1/3 horsepower
1/2 horsepower
It depends on the sump pump and the size of the home
It depends upon the amount of water the pump is expected to receive
Not sure

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Updated on February 05, 2018


Comments From Our Pros

Answer: It depends upon the amount of water the pump is expected to receive
Explanation: The horsepower is determinate by the demand.
TillUp, LLC
Answer: It depends upon the amount of water the pump is expected to receive
Explanation: It all depends on how much and how fast the water needs to be removed from the area to select the proper size pump.
SDL Plumbing Inc.
Answer: 1/3 horsepower
Explanation: Most people buy just basic one
JD all service plumbing