
Which type of sump pump works best under extreme conditions?

Top Answer: Cast iron sump pumps (58% of 34 votes).
Which type of sump pump works best under extreme conditions?
Cast iron sump pumps
Steel sump pumps
Plastic sump pumps
There is no difference
Not sure

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Updated on August 21, 2015


Comments From Our Pros

Answer: Cast iron sump pumps
Explanation: Cast iron sump pumps are typically the most durable and best suited for extreme conditions. Cast iron is known for its strength and resilience, making it capable of withstanding harsh environments, heavy usage, and extreme temperatures.
Construction Services & Repairs
Answer: Steel sump pumps
Explanation: Metal last longer
Answer: Cast iron sump pumps
Explanation: Cast iron build can last for years , leak-free
TillUp, LLC
Answer: Cast iron sump pumps
Explanation: Cast iron will last the longest throughout weather conditions.
Massimo Plumbing Services
Answer: Cast iron sump pumps
Explanation: Cast iron has been the material of choice for applications in extreme weather conditions.
Plumbing Professionals
Answer: Cast iron sump pumps
Explanation: Cast iron or steal are both great pumps. They last the longest and are most heavy duty.
Airtight Design Waterproofing
Answer: Plastic sump pumps
Explanation: less ability to freeze
La Rose Home Repair
Answer: Steel sump pumps
Explanation: If things freeze then plastic or cast iron with split or crack
JD all service plumbing
Answer: Cast iron sump pumps
Explanation: Better made
Lobocos Handyman Service