
What type of sump pump is better able to handle debris (gravel, sand, twigs, etc.)?

Top Answer: Submersible sump pump (60% of 10 votes).
What type of sump pump is better able to handle debris (gravel, sand, twigs, etc.)?
Pedestal sump pump
Submersible sump pump
There is no difference
Not sure

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Updated on August 03, 2014


Comments From Our Pros

Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: Submersible sump pumps are generally better equipped to handle debris such as gravel, sand, and twigs compared to pedestal sump pumps. This is because submersible pumps are located directly in the sump pit, allowing them to efficiently pump water and debris without clogging or causing damage to the pump's components.
Construction Services & Repairs
Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: Submersible pumps will handle debris better due to the larger impeller intake. They are rated to take up to a half inch stone through the pump.
Airtight Design Waterproofing
Answer: Submersible sump pump
Explanation: There is ones that have grinders and bigger outlets
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