How Much Do Flooring Leads Cost?

Flooring lead prices can range between $10 and $40 per lead. Flooring lead prices may vary based on your business' location and the quality of each lead.

Updated: 09/17/2018

Flooring Pay Per Lead Programs

Many flooring lead generation services use a pay-per-lead model. This means that you will pay a flat rate for each lead that matches your lead preferences and geographic service area. The cost of each lead will depend on 1) where your business is located, 2) how many times the lead is sold, and 3) the type of service requested.

Commercial Flooring Lead Pricing

Commercial flooring leads will usually cost more than residential flooring leads. Commercial flooring jobs are usually for bigger projects. Commercial flooring contractors may receive leads from hotels, restaurants, retail shops, hospitals, and office buildings looking to install new flooring or repair existing floorings.

RELATED: How to Generate Flooring Leads

Exclusive Flooring Leads

Exclusive flooring leads - leads that are only sold to one flooring contractor - are typically the most expensive option. Shared leads - leads that are sold to more than one contractor - are more budget-friendly.

Flooring Lead Price Factors

Flooring lead prices may be more expensive in major metropolitan areas, like Chicago or Los Angeles. In these markets, there is generally more competition and labor costs tend to be higher.

Does the lead seller charge any setup or cancellation fees?

Do you have to sign an annual contract or are you free to cancel at anytime?

Last Updated: September 17, 2018

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