
Is it okay to hang a TV over a radiator?

Top Answer: No, never (69% of 23 votes).
Is it okay to hang a TV over a radiator?
Yes, always
In most cases
In some cases
No, never
Not sure

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Updated on January 09, 2017


Comments From Our Pros

Answer: No, never
Explanation: I don’t suggest doing that
KK TV Mounting
Answer: No, never
Explanation: Not safe at all
Esquire TV mounting
Answer: No, never
Explanation: Why would you expose a tv to excessive heat?
Connect Tech Svcs TV Mounting
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: hit the stud when available
Answer: No, never
Explanation: this would be a fire hazard
White Hat Computer Support Ltd
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: It is not recommended due to the heat exposure the TV will receive, but if no other options are available I would mount as far from it as possible.
Construct Boss
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: It is probably not the best spot, but depending on the style of radiator it could possibly be ok.
Mn Tv & Entertainment Installation
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Depending on the distance of the radiator to the TV and the amount of heat it puts off will determining whether or not the professional feels it will be a problem. Most cases it is not a problem.
Answer: No, never
Explanation: The rising moisture will damage tv and possibly pose a danger
Chuck's TV Mounting
Answer: No, never
Explanation: no too much heat
sky tv mounting
Answer: No, never
Explanation: As heat rises it may damage your tv
Telsat communications