Websites by Bookmark

Websites by Bookmark

About Bookmark

Headquarters: Toronto, ON

Marketing Services Offered: Website design and management

Pros Served: All small businesses

More About Bookmark: Bookmark is a website building tool for non-technical people. They are dedicated to helping small business owners establish a strong online presence. Their drag-and-drop technology makes it easy for you to build your own professional website without hiring a designer.

Bookmark Questions & Answers

How does Bookmark work?

Bookmark makes it easy for any small business owner to build a beautiful, well-designed business website. Bookmark's AIDA (artificial intelligence design assistant) uses the power of AI to guide you through the process of building, editing, and optimizing your site. Even beginners with no coding experience can create a professional website in a short amount of time.

How much does Bookmark cost?

Bookmark offers month-to-month and annual plans. Save money by choosing one of their annual subscription plans. There is a 20% discount for along with free domain and email addresses so it is worth checking out. Their most popular package costs less than $12 per month.

How do I start using Bookmark?

All you need to do is click the link below!