How Much Do Janitorial Leads Cost?

On average, janitorial leads cost between $18 and $55 per lead. The cost of each janitorial leads varies depending on the type of cleaning service requested, the desired frequency of service, and the job location.

Updated: 06/19/2019

Janitorial Lead Pricing

Most janitorial leads cost less than $60. Some may even cost significantly less. The cost of each janitorial lead is often a reflection of the estimated cost of the job. If a potential client is looking to sign a long-term janitorial contract, those leads will be valued significantly higher than someone looking for one-off services.

Janitorial Leads

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RELATED: Where to Find Janitorial Leads

Not all janitorial leads are created equal. Warm transfer leads may be priced differently than "pay per appointment" leads. Exclusive call leads may be more expensive than shared leads that are sent to your email inbox.

Janitorial lead prices may also be affected by supply and demand. If there is a lot of competition for leads in your service area, prices may be higher.

Interested in buying janitorial leads? We can help. Use ProMatcher to find lead generation options for janitorial services. Create your free account today! What do you have to lose?

Are Janitorial Leads Worth the Cost?

Honestly, that is going to depend on a few things. Paying $50 for a lead may seem unreasonable to some companies and we understand that. For other companies, who are thirsty for new work, $50 for a good lead (that might turn into a long-term contract) may seem like a steal.

Before you decide to use a lead generation service, you need to ask yourself a few questions.

1. How much are you willing to spend on a single lead?

2. Of every 10 leads, how many do I think I will be able to close?

3. How much do you charge for that type of janitorial service?

4. How much profit can you make off those jobs?

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How Do Janitorial Services Bid Jobs?

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