
What is your opinion of the International Association of Home Staging Professionals (IAHSP)?

Top Answer: Favorable (73% of 26 votes).
What is your opinion of the International Association of Home Staging Professionals (IAHSP)?
No opinion/Never heard of it

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Updated on September 22, 2015


Comments From Our Pros

Answer: No opinion/Never heard of it
Explanation: No opinion.
Staging and Design By Che'Le Foster
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: We are in favor of Home Staging Professional Associations that promote training. Training makes a difference in the quality of the stager.
Constructive Consulting, LLC Home Staging & Redesign
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: Home stagers are professionals, who are always looking to learn and grow in their knowledge and skills, so having the IAHSP is a great benefit. The IAHSP also provides the opportunity for stagers to share their knowledge and experience with each other to help promote and advance the entire industry.
1st Impressions Design
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: Any association that promotes and supports home staging is a good organization. There are others out there also, RESA - Real Estate Staging Association, ASHSR - American Society of Home Stagers and Redesigners, HSR - Home Staging Resources (My certification is through HSR)
Decorate and Company
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: Stagers who have joined this organization show a professionalism and I would always advise a homeowner to chose a stager who is a member of a recognized organization like this one or the other large one is RESA.
Perfect Match Homes
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: I have an ASPĀ® Certification from this association. What I learned during my course has been extremely impactful.
KLM Home Staging & Redesign