
What is your opinion of the American Society of Home Stagers and Redesigners (ASHSR)?

Top Answer: Favorable (82% of 29 votes).
What is your opinion of the American Society of Home Stagers and Redesigners (ASHSR)?
No opinion/Never heard of them

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Updated on September 23, 2015


Comments From Our Pros

Answer: No opinion/Never heard of them
Explanation: No opinion.
Staging and Design By Che'Le Foster
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: Very favorable, in fact I am a member.
Constructive Consulting, LLC Home Staging & Redesign
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: As a graduate of the HSR program, I am a member of ASHSR. It provides on-going training and advice for home stagers who have undergone the comprehensive training program provided by HSR
1st Impressions Design
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: It's a fantastic associations for stagers! I'm a member!
Shades of Gray Design
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: Great Organization!
Decorate and Company
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: I am working on joining this association.
Simply Divine Staging & Design
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: A wonderful group of stagers and redesigners that share their experiences.
Dragonfly Home Designs
Answer: Neutral
Explanation: I think ASHSR is a commendable organization.
New Day Design & Home Staging
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: Offers training and a great network.
Finally Home Staging