Is Facebook Marketing Reality or Hype?
By Bill Palte
In today’s world of online internet marketing, many online marketers believe that everyone needs to be involved in Facebook for their online marketing. Facebook marketing in the Lima OH internet marketing arena seems to be a mixed blessing. A small percentage of marketers love Facebook marketing and a small percentage of marketers want nothing to do with Facebook marketing.
The remaining 85% really don’t know or understand what Facebook marketing is all about and a large percentage of these people don’t seem to care.
So, is Facebook marketing a blessing or a curse to the marketing community?
With the recent explosion of Facebook, the thought of many marketers is to try to contact their customers and potential customers through this new medium. Sometimes this works well, sometimes it doesn’t work so well. Seems that the jury is still out on whether Facebook is a legitimate marketing venue.
Many people on Facebook don’t want to have someone constantly hitting them with ads and offers of the newest, greatest widgets. They joined Facebook to establish or re-establish contact and converse with their friends, both old and new. They did not join Facebook to be victims of the newest SPAM posters. A small percentage of people actually have left Facebook because of all of the marketing activity.
In order to offer the marketing world another incentive to join the Facebook marketing scene, Facebook then offered these marketers the opportunity to start fan and group pages to help them build their credence. The implementation of these pages has offered the Facebook world the chance to interact with even more people in more ways. Unfortunately, these pages have seemed to alienate more people in the Facebook world. In fact, some prominent marketers have decided that Facebook is not worth the effort and have removed Facebook from their marketing game book.
Facebook decided then to try to control even more of their world and started Facebook ads. This seems to have cranked up the marketing machine even more and the marketing world has jumped on Facebook ads with both feet. Unfortunately, more people are determining that Facebook is being too commercialized and are stepping away from Facebook for this reason.
So, is Facebook worth the time and effort of today’s marketers?
That seems to be a lively conversation in the marketing world. In the business to consumer world, the consensus seems to be that Facebook is a valid marketing tool. The conversation between the business and their customers can be much more interactive by utilizing Facebook than with almost any other marketing or advertising medium. For this reason, the business to consumer aspect of Facebook appears to be thriving.
The niche that does not appear to be as active on Facebook is the business to business marketing pages. Many businesses have created fan pages and some group pages but their effectiveness seems to be waning in view of other marketing methods and some businesses have decided to discontinue their use.
So, for Facebook marketing, the market that is being pursued seems to dictate whether Facebook is a valid tool for the marketer’s toolkit. If you are looking to pump up your business marketing, your Lima OH internet marketing specialists will be glad to help you pump up your marketing. We will review what you are doing for your marketing and help you determine how our Lima OH internet marketing program can really help your business.
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About the Author
| Bill Palte, Etlap Marketing Solutions 207 Monroe Columbus Grove, OH 45830 419.233.3223
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