How Much Should a Landscaping Company Spend on PPC?

How much to spend on PPC (pay-per-click) advertising for your landscaping business depends on a number of factors. Landscaping companies may spend from a couple hundred to thousands of dollars a month on PPC advertising.

Updated: 04/02/2018

PPC advertising budgets for landscaping companies vary. Generally speaking, it is common for companies to spend up to 10% of their annual revenue on marketing costs.

Your ad spend for PPC will depend on your landscaping business size, how many leads you are expecting to receive, competition for your desired audience, and how effective you are at PPC advertising.

You get out what you put in

PPC advertising is one of the more challenging online marketing channels for a landscaping business. A lot of time and effort is required to understand the advertising platforms and strategies. So, it may make sense to get some outside consulting help from a PPC expert when you are getting started.

However, landscaping businesses that are able to get traction with PPC advertising can be successful. If you’re getting good value for your money from PPC compared to other marketing channels, it probably makes sense to allocate more of your marketing budget towards PPC.

Keep a close eye on ROI

With PPC, it's not so much how much you spend in total, but how much ROI (return on investment) you are getting. Pay close attention to how much you spend on each PPC campaign, how many customers you receive, and the dollar value of those new jobs. Set up tracking methods so that you can tell which leads came through from your PPC campaigns. Close tracking is the only way to know if PPC advertising is effective for your company.

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