
Do you offer discounts to family and friends?

Top Answer: Yes, always (30% of 2252 votes).
Do you offer discounts to family and friends?
Yes, always
In most cases
In some cases
No, never

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Updated on October 03, 2018


Comments From Our Pros

Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: We are a referral base company and love referral of friend's and family members. We offer a $25-$50 wellness credit as a referral fee of all clients refer to us that we sign up on program
J and A Wellness Practice
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: Giving back is a personal value.
Genesis Consultants, Inc.
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Depends on situation.
Marie Buckner
Answer: No, never
Explanation: I'm fair to everyone. You can be my family or friend whether we do business or not.
Lockhart's Insurance Services
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: We offer group discounted pricing
Art Bravura
Answer: No, never
Explanation: Medical Billing does not offer this in the program.
Donna Ruzicka
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: I always have offered discounts to family and friends.
Market-Connections Professional Resume Writing Services
Answer: No, never
Explanation: I actually charge double just to cover my losses.
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: I am running a business and can't offer everyone a discount all the time or I wouldn't be making anything
O' Party PLus, LLC
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: ...and I hate doing it too. I don't even clean my own windows.
Elite Window Washing
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: Only immediate family and only close and long established friends.
Dale House Murals LLC
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: You have to take care of family.
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Family members get a discount, so I don't have to hear it!
Shedhorn Inspection Services, LLC
Answer: No, never
Explanation: We do not work for individuals
Sela Security Consulting LLC
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: If they help out then it is a BBQ and beer in the backyard
Lawn Ranger
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: For the oils usually I will offer at a discount at least 10%.
Hierlmaier Enterprises
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Hard to say no.
Cactus Farm Graphics
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: It's family
Precision Pools and Construction WV
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: Friends who are a direct contact (not acquaintences or friends of friends)
RI Home Based Counseling
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Typically do close to cost if they are in need from a close friend or family member.
Buckeye Guys Construction, LLC
Answer: No, never
Explanation: By law, insurance agents are not allowed to offer discounts.
Authorized Progressive Insurance Agent/Russell G. Lewis
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: this is a very rare thing. our prices are so competitive that if we were to offer a discount to family it would be more of pro-bono work than a discount.
Surveillance Tech Group
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: They are family and friends.
Sanford and Son Hauling and Demolition
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: It depends on the case - who it is, what the work is etc.
Amy's Handmade Gifts
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: Gotta give friends and family some extra!
Nexa Mortgage, LLC ( )
Answer: No, never
Explanation: I dont do work for family and friends due to it can become complicated and put unwanted strain on relationships.
Paint Works of Texas
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: To help them out.
Reality Property Inspections
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Yes, but friends usually do not accept discounts.
Murals by Georgeta - Fondos Studio LLC
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: We have a Family and Friends discount plan
Treasure Coast Concrete Polishing
Answer: No, never
Explanation: Gregory Landscaping offers the same discounts to friends and family as we do our regular customers.
Gregory Landscaping
Answer: No, never
Explanation: I do not work for family and friends. Keeps things good and happy.
Plumbing Zone, Inc.
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Yes, always have to help out family and friends in life
Kingcarz Services
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: My parents have reaped the benefits.
Aegis Electric LLC
Answer: No, never
Explanation: Then they always expect it. Lol
Resurrection Rebuilding & Remodeling
Answer: No, never
Explanation: We offer a high value proposition and rarely offer any discounts.
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: In some cases I give a 10% referral discount on first service.
RL Residential Services
Answer: No, never
Explanation: Ethically, we are bound by our price sheet...and rightfully so.
Telefriend Consulting LLC
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: I usually try to help family and friends out the most I can without losing money on the jobs.
Construct Boss
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Like to help out people I know and love.
Misija construction
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Lol. Does "free" for family count as a discount?
Therma Shield Solar Control
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: I usually offer some sort of deal to family and friends.
Arundel Acupuncture
Answer: No, never
Explanation: When it comes to family they all live back east, all my friends work in the HVAC field.
Arizona's Best Heating & AC, Inc.
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: Of course! Family and friends always offer support and we give back.
Grace Event Productions
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: I offer discounts or wait for payment to be paid via funding.
The Advancement Group Investment Fund, LLC.
Answer: No, never
Explanation: No discounts period
D B Electric
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: We have employee and immediate family discounts available.
Connect Hearing
Answer: No, never
Explanation: My customers are business owners not family members.
HR Consulting Services LLC
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: I have offered discounts to my family, some friends and neighborhood swimming clubl on equipment "cost" only; pumps, heaters etc. not on labor or construction.
NorCal Pool Builders
Answer: No, never
Explanation: Law doesn't allow me to.
Western & Southern Financial Group
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: But I usually expect them to help too.
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: We offer discounts to everyone we like.
Drapes and Decor
Answer: No, never
Explanation: Discounts, no. Referral bonuses, yes.
Green Information Consultants, LLC
Answer: No, never
Explanation: I don't have the power to change prices, that is a corporate level decision.
Modern Woodmen of America
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: I have such good rates, you can't get any lower!
RMS-NPC a Vantiv Company
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: depends
North State Inspections
Answer: No, never
Explanation: We are a financial group investing/saving/protecting our clients money.
MassMutual Financial Group
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: By previous arrangement.
Kairos Home Inspections
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Sometimes I am not able to because of tge destination or genre I am working with.
Dahl Travel LLC
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: I call it the friends and family discount. The discount can be 10% or sometimes a lot more depending on the job and the association.
Answer: No, never
Explanation: I never work with family or friends. Too conflicting!
Studio Tumo LLC
Answer: No, never
Explanation: Being the low cost provider in most cases, there is no need to offer discounts. We generally are already saving them money from our competition.
Union Savings Bank
Answer: No, never
Explanation: Cause
Georgia Master Plumbing
Answer: No, never
Explanation: No,I do not because when I decorate for them, they also become a customer just like some one that's not a friend or family member and whats FAIR about that ???
Lee's Designs
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: Family and friends usually get the beer and pizza discount.
Christian scheeler
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: Yes and obtain the same back most times.
Biz & Techie Writing Services Ltd
Answer: No, never
Explanation: I've never cleaned for friends or family.
Janitor Jan house cleaning service
Answer: No, never
Explanation: Reliable holds pricing schedules that are low and fair for 'friends and family' so we can serve, directly, those in need in our community with an appliance repair need and limited funds.
Reliable Appliance Repair Service Orlando
Answer: No, never
Explanation: No discounts
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: It depends on the circumstances and the liability of the requested services.
Franklin Drafts
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: It's typically free for family and friends.
Worsley Inspections LLC
Answer: No, never
Explanation: not in this type of business
Vital Medical Billing & Consulting
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: We offer discounts to Everyone!
Eco Paint, Inc.
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: Family, friends and preferred clients
Audio Plus
Answer: No, never
Explanation: We don't offer discounts to family and friends.
Main Street Business Loans dba United Cash Solutions
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Most of the time we're able to make a deal for family or friends.
Ron Rodgers- Ryan Real Estate